- Jan 31 Mon 2011 15:32
在與世隔絕的美濃山間享受系統性的知識灌流(Prefusion),WFR is Good.
- Jan 17 Mon 2011 11:55
資料來源 8a.nu的作者Jans
量的訓練(Volume training)意味著攀爬較簡單的路線,藉著增加血液循環來促使血管增長。It should just feel like an extended warming pump preserving your forearm in perfect condition. 質的訓練(Recruitment training)則是嘗試一兩個動作,促使肌肉纖維的使用發展到更高的比例。這通常可以藉著指力條來訓練。
Doing 10-15 metres routes indoors could initially be called power-endurance training as you normally get a mild pump which only takes some minutes to get rid of. After multiple routes, the pump will be more burning and you never get fully recovered, we are talking endurance training. A boulderering session means power training and instead of a pump you will feel fatigue and sour. If you are not resting enough you will enter the power-endurance stage. Volume training means climbing on easy terrain in order to maximize blood circulation which will build capillarity in your forearms. It should just feel like an extended warming pump preserving your forearm in perfect condition. Recruitment training is doing 1-2 moves in order to learn your muscles to use a higher percentage of the fibers. It is often done on a campus board and it is only for the experienced climber who want to work on a specific gripping strength. Other definitions are possible and the forearm sensation is often different between climbers based on their training experience. In general, if you can not get rid of the burning pump in your forearm, you should stop the session. The next training try to work with a lower load or longer resting periods.
- Jan 13 Thu 2011 11:53
- Jan 05 Wed 2011 12:17
- Dec 15 Wed 2010 12:16
- Dec 05 Sun 2010 12:16
買了一雙Mizuno的路跑鞋Wave Spacer AR,迫不及待想上路…
- Dec 05 Sun 2010 12:07
20101204 鳶嘴稍來記錄
2010/12/04 晨星登山社 鳶嘴稍來縱走 15人
0700 台元科技園區出發。途中國道四號終點7-11休息上廁所
0920 大雪山林道15K大棟派出所(辦入山證)
1000 鳶嘴山27K登山口出發(過橫嶺山隧道後停車處,停車處往後走50M有公廁與另一登山口)
1055 觀景台2000m
1110 涼亭
1220 鳶嘴山頂 午餐。
1315 午餐後下山
1420 28K叉路口
1445 步道2K
- Nov 29 Mon 2010 12:15
- Nov 23 Tue 2010 12:08
Pain is inevitable, Suffering is optional.
- Nov 23 Tue 2010 12:06
2011 Projects
1. 42K Marathon
2. Triathlon
3. Trail Running( 5 Top Day Hike)
4.Fast Central ridge Trail hiking(Less in 20days?)
5.Europe Rock Climbing